
‘I want to help protect the food industry’: Outstanding FFA Member of the year Evan Roden eyes a career in agricultural cybersecurity

For generations of students in Cullman County, high school membership in the Future Farmers of America (FFA) has ...


Dodge City business owner requests sewer line extension

DODGE CITY — A potentially transformative property annexation could be on the table for Dodge City after a ...


Local legislators talk state of the state

The Cullman County Legislative Delegation assembled at Stonebridge Farms on Friday, Feb. 14, for its annual State of ...


ALDOT prepares for snow and sleet in north Alabama

The Alabama Department of Transportation is preparing for snow and sleet to reach parts of north and central ...


ADPH reminds parents of the importance of measles vaccination

The Alabama Department of Public Health reminds parents to make sure their children are up to date with ...


Vinemont eyes property purchase for new multi-purpose building

VINEMONT — The town of South Vinemont announced plans for a significant property acquisition, which would allow for ...


Empty Bowls dinner raises funds for Cullman Caring for Kids Food Bank

The 20th Annual Empty Bowls of Cullman County, a fundraising dinner held on behalf of the Cullman Caring ...

Top news

McSwain, Atkins recognized as CCBOE teacher, staff member of the month

Cullman County Schools and AmFirst recognize a teacher and staff member each month of the school year who ...


Cullman’s Sheffield, Hollis named National Merit finalists

Cullman High School seniors Nora Sheffield and Elianna Hollis have been recognized as National Merit finalists. “This incredible ...


Relay for Life kickoff meeting Feb. 20

Relay for Life of Cullman County is gearing up for its 2025 season and invites the community to ...

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