I learned some lessons from a bad week

Have you ever just had a truly horrible week?

I can honestly say that this past week has been the most horrible physical week of my life. I’ve had worse weeks when a friend or family member passed away, but in reference to physical pain, this was the worst.

On Aug. 24, I had four of my wisdom teeth cut out. I was prepared for the pain because I have already had two taken out. Yep, that’s right, I had six wisdom teeth. I know you’re jealous of my infinite wisdom.

I hated the thought of feeling fine when I walked into the dentist’s office and being in pain when I walked out, but I manned up on it.

The problems really started after that. I developed an infection on my bum. Bum is a nice way of saying “butt” in case you didn’t know. So there I was in excruciating pain on both ends of my body. I have to tell the truth though, the pain from the bum was so bad that the teeth didn’t even bother me any more.

It was one bad week. I’ve laid out all of my problems to point out a few things that I have learned this week.

One thing is that if it weren’t for my mom, I would be dead. No exaggeration, dead. I guess it’s true that you never quit raising your kids.

My mom would have made the best nurse in the whole world. She took great care of me during this past week and I greatly appreciate it.

Another thing I learned this week is that it is hard to wait on the Lord, but in His time, He makes all things new.

Sometimes we just forget to operate in His time table and not our own.