Jeans photo released in fetus death
Investigators have released a photograph of the blue jeans discovered with an unborn fetus at a Georgia landfill on Monday.
The jeans are a ladies’ size 5 with the brand name “No Boundaries.” Investigators are hoping the jeans may prompt information from the public that will help them identify the mother of the fetus, whom they believe may need medical attention.
Capt. Rick Swiney with the Whitfield County Sheriff’s Office said investigators are working on some leads but still need help.
The fetus, which appeared to be around five to six months old, was found in a plastic bag at the Whitfield County Landfill, and was sent to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation crime lab. Swiney said investigators won’t know if the fetus was male or female or the ethnicity until the results are back from the crime lab.
Two landfill employees were sorting through a bag of clothing they found in a recyclable container and discovered the fetus in a plastic bag with a blanket and the blue jeans. Swiney said the recyclable container had materials from other recyclable containers in Whitfield and Murray counties. The fetus had to have already been in a recyclable container last Wednesday, Dec. 31, 2014, when it was brought to the landfill, he said. There was a large amount of blood found with the fetus, he said.
Anyone with information on this incident is asked to call the Whitfield County Sheriff’s Office at (706) 278-3029 or the GBI at (706) 624-1424.
Details for this story were provided by The Dalton (Ga.) Daily Citizen.