Wherehouse Players staging classic play “Waiting for Godot”
The Wherehouse Players are preparing for four performances of a well-known play this week.
“Waiting for Godot,” by Samuel Beckett, recounts the experiences and conversations of two men, Estragon and Vladimir, as they wait on the arrival of a man named Godot, whom neither have met.
While they are passing the time, a man named Pozzo and his slave Lucky show up and provide a distraction.
A fifth character is a boy who takes the stage twice to announce that Godot is not coming today, but surely will be there tomorrow.
Shari Graye, the show’s director, said she wanted to put a vaudevillian twist on the work; she has been wanting for years to stage the play.
Performances are scheduled for Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and a Saturday matinee at 2:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 each or $7.50 for students.
The Wherehouse is located at the Great American Tent Company at 3086 Decatur Hwy.
For more information, call the Wherehouse at 631-2221.