When it comes to worry, we should learn to trust God

Commentary By Danielle Pelkey

The North Jefferson News

Worry — what is it good for?

Absolutely nothing. Here I sit writing a column and worrying. Yes, I know it really does no good to worry. It accomplishes nothing and yet it actually puts added stress into your life.

If you’re wondering, I’m worrying about some tests that my youngest daughter, Anna, will undergo in two weeks. They are testing her for cystic fibrosis because she has been a rather sick baby her whole life. I can understand them wanting to run the tests, but the stress and worry that it causes a parent is almost unbearable.

I wish they could just run tests and not tell you what they were for until after the results came in. It would make our lives so much easier.

My mind is being bombarded with “ifs.” What if she has it. What if her average life span will be cut down to 37 years. What if she is hospitalized more than not throughout her life. What if it’s nothing and I’ve worried myself sick over absolutely nothing.

So, as we are waiting out the test and the results we sit around and think of what could happen. All of this is happening even though our doctor informed me that he has never had this test come back positive. The odds are better that she doesn’t have it than that she does, but all my mind can hear is “cystic fibrosis.”

Whether the test comes back positive or negative, the fact remains that she is in the same condition today as she will be in three weeks when we get the results from this test.

So, once again, I have sat and worried and wrung my hands over something that I have no control over. How many times will I do this as a parent? It seems like these moments will be countless through the years.

The Bible even tells us not to worry, but we are human and it seems that humans love to worry.

Sometimes it seems like we go out of our way to find things to worry about. Worry is just in the genetic build of some people. But once again, let’s look at it from the outside. What good has it done for you to worry? Can you give me one positive outcome of worrying about something? I really can’t think of one good thing that worrying can produce. So why do we find ourselves doing it on a monthly, weekly or daily basis?

My mom use to sing the song, “I cast all my cares upon You. I lay all of my burdens down at Your feet. And anytime, I don’t know what to do, I will cast all my cares upon You.”

Here we sit at the end of this column with the very answer to all of these questions. The answer is to cast our cares upon the Lord for He cares for us. We will probably still have moments of fear and worry, but maybe this will help us to remember what to do.

Just sing a little song about casting your cares on the Lord and it will help you to do that very thing, let go and give it to God. He is the only one that can take care of your problems anyway.