What to do at the first sign of bugs
Garden tip: At the first sign of bugs, mix one quart of warm water, five drops of liquid soap, five drops of ammonia and one drop of Listerine mouthwash. Cover the plants that need to be sprayed with a brown paper bag. Cut a tiny hole in the side of the bag to be able to spray the plant. Be sure to spray while the water is still warm. If you have tiny flies that swarm around your plant, get someone who smokes to blow some smoke through the hole in the brown bag. This works. The flies can be white or brown. It does not matter. Do not use both control methods on one plant, though.
• Happy birthday greetings to Holly Blackmon on Jan. 13; Charles Eubanks on Feb. 16; Ruby Sanders Sims and Larry Bradley on Feb. 17; Imogene Lundy on Feb. 18; Ruby Gabbart on Feb. 19; and Lethia James Purcell on Feb. 20. We hope you have a great birthday and a greater year.
• Sympathy and prayers are needed for the family of Mitchell Reid. He left this walk of life last week. To his family: We know God will be with each one as you deal with your loss. He will be greatly missed.
Evangeline Sloan is The North Jefferson News correspondent for Warrior and Corner. She can be reached at 647-9655.