Wet weather can cause fungus on azaleas
Warrior / Corner / Hayden News By Evangeline Sloan
The North Jefferson News
Garden Tip: Since the weather has been so wet, watch your azalea plants for a fungal disease, which can cause the leaves to swell. Just take the leaves off, but burn diseased leaves. Also, check plants for white or black mold.
• Congratulations are in order for one of my former students, Shannon Washington Passineau. She is now a member of the Dr. Larry Albrock’s dentist office in Pennsylvania, working as a specialist for seniors and young children. Dr. Passineau, we are proud of you as you start your great career. She is still taking more advanced classes to help her in her work.
• Decoration Day will be at Union Baptist Church Cemetery on Warrior Jasper Road, Morris Cemetery and Watts Union Cemetery on May 17.
• Happy birthday greetings go to Mildred Rhodes on may 20. I hope you have a great day and year.
• Happy birthday goes to Debbie and Mike Palmer on May 17. I hope you have many more years together.
• Please continue to pray for our country and the American troops that are in harm’s way.
Evangeline Sloan is The North Jefferson News correspondent for the Warrior, Corner and Hayden communities. She can be reached at 647-9655.