Weddings can be time for reflection

June is the month for weddings. Men are not usually fans of going to weddings, but women generally love those type of events. I just so happen to be a woman who loves a good wedding, and this weekend I got the privilege of watching two of my dear friends unite in holy matrimony.

Most people look back at their weddings and think that they spent too much money, time and effort on the event later in life, but for the time being, they feel that every detail is necessary.

The wedding ceremony is a holy vow between two people uniting them as one for the remainder of their days. They pledge to love, honor and obey, in sickness and in health and to forsake all others to be with one another for life.

Life is a long time, so weddings are a big deal.

In modern days, the wedding itself has evolved into a momentous occasion, an event that is not to be taken lightly. The average cost of a wedding in Alabama is over $48,000. So when you get that little invitation in the mail inviting you to attend a friend or loved one’s wedding, don’t just disreguard it. You were hand chosen over many others to be able to sit at that church or other venue and partake in these people’s special day.

Although the wedding is the main event, the reception is probably the most costly order of the day. Receptions have grown in recent years to be enormous events. There are sit-down meals with servers and dance floors with DJs and lights and crazy dances. And who can eat all of the cakes that are offered?

At the wedding that I attended this weekend, the bride and groom have been dating for a long time and they are both friends of mine, so it made it that much more fun to attend.

The hair and dresses were just right and every flower petal was in place. The ceremony went beautifully and there were even a few hoops and hollers as the bride and groom engaged in their first kiss as Mr. and Mrs. Paul DiPiazza.

When the kiss was over, everyone left from the church and headed to the reception. After eating too much food, it was time to hit the dance floor.

Of course the bride and groom’s dance was lovely and the dances with the parents were tear-worthy. When those dances were done, the DJ started playing faster music and in no time the floor was packed with people dancing and laughing and singing along with the music.

Wedding receptions are the perfect excuse for a husband and wife to hit the dance floor to spark up the romance and remind them of their wedding.

For a single woman like myself, it’s an excuse to have fun, do silly dances and laugh with friends until the last piece of cake is gone.  

Weddings are a perfect time for couples to reflect back on the vows that they have made to each other and to God.

Take the time today, if married, to think about the importance of that promise that you made.