“Paint the Town” poster contest offering cash for classrooms

“Paint the Town” is a wonderful opportunity for students to show off their talents and businesses to support local education – sponsored by Webb Wheel.

All classrooms in any grade-level (K-12), public or private, are encouraged to participate in a contest to draw or paint 3’ x 6’ vertical posters with a “fall festival” theme.

These posters will be displayed throughout the Warehouse District and judged for their creativity. A winner and runner-up will be selected from the following categories: K-2nd, 3-5th, 6-8th, and 9-12th grades. The winner for each category will receive $375 toward their classroom. Webb Wheel is our proud sponsor for this event.

Additional details: Entry Forms may be picked up at any time from the Cullman Area Chamber of Commerce and are due, along with your painted poster, before or on October 11th.

Posters will be displayed at the Chamber and throughout downtown from October 17th – 31st, 2016. Posters will be judged on October 12th and the winners will be announced on October 14th. Call 256-734-0454 or email info@cullmanchamber.org for more information.