Web site set up for Fultondale alumni
Fultondale News by Courtney Hall
The North Jefferson News
I would like to wish my son, Hunter, a very happy 12th birthday on March 26. Watching your kids grow up is tough. Happy birthday, buddy, I hope it is the best one yet.
• The community lunch will be coming up on the first Sunday of April. I will be posting the location and menu next week.
• The Fultondale High School class of 1998 reunion will be held on June 7-8. Please contact Patricia Peebles at 243-1720 for more information.
• Speaking of high school reunions, a new Web site has been created to keep you connected with all of your Fultondale classmates. On www.fultondalewildcats.ning.com, you can reconnect with old friends and possibly make new ones. Please take a moment to check out the Fultondale alumni Web site — you never know who you might be missing.
• Princess Girlz next meeting is going to be on April 12 and we will be learning about planting seeds.
• Easter is tomorrow. I have it on good authority the Easter bunny is going to be bringing lots of chocolate to our house. I wish everyone a happy and safe Easter.
• If you have any news, birthdays, anniversaries, or special events you would like to share please feel free to let me know.
Courtney Hall is The North Jefferson News correspondent for the Fultondale community. She can be reached at 966-6221 or e-mail at chall711@bellsouth.net.