Person You Should Know: Amy Johnson

Amy Johnson has lived in Warrior her entire life. She is the web designer for the City of Warrior’s website, and her work can be seen at

• Where did you grow up?

I grew up on a farm in Warrior, caring for livestock and driving tractors. We didn’t have a T.V., and that made for a good childhood. I went to Mortimer Jordan High School. I love my small town!

• How did you get into such a high-tech job with such a low-tech upbringing?

We got our first computer when I was in junior high. This was before the internet, and it was one of those really old ones with the three-and-a-half inch floppy disk drives. I just figured out some programming on it because it was there and there really wasn’t anything else to do. My life is an interesting dichotomy of old world and new world things. I’m a cook dinner and make-my-own-soap kind of girl, but I love my Kindle, too.

• Tell me about your web design business.

I got my degree in business administration from Sanford University. I had done some internships in marketing, and I really enjoyed it. I got a job working in a very time-demanding marketing position, but when my husband Ben and I were expecting our first child, I realized I wouldn’t be able to work as much as I had been. I quit that job and took a new one doing web design with the University of Alabama in Birmingham. Now, I’m a stay-at-home mom with four kids, and I run a sort of “boutique” web design business; I only take a few clients at a time, and I spend a lot of time and care with their websites. The Warrior website is looking really good, and I’m excited about finishing it.