Prepare homes for cold weather
Cold weather has hit the area and will likely be hanging around for several more weeks.
In order to stay warmer as well as save money, experts offer tips to “winterize” homes.
Weather stripping
One of the easiest ways to winterize is to place weather stripping around doors and windows.
Weather stripping comes in a variety of styles, but the idea is the same for all of them.
The first step is to remove any old weather stripping, if necessary. It is usually easily removed with a putty knife and soapy water.
Next, measure the length of weather stripping needed and then cut the strips to length.
Finally, install by either removing the backing if the material sticks to door and window frames, or by using the correct fasteners.
Install new thermostats
Adding programmable thermostats helps during the winter and summer.
Programmable thermostats can be customized for every home and can be set to keep the temperature comfortable while the family is at home and warmer or cooler (depending on the season) when the family is away.
This helps save energy while keeping a comfortable environment in the home.
With heat pumps, it is also important to change air filters frequently.
Adding insulation to a home’s walls, ceilings or floors can save plenty of energy and thus, money.
Two types are blanket and blown-in insulation.
Blanket insulation is purchased in rolls and comes in a variety of thicknesses. It can be installed by professionals or by homeowners.
This type of insulation must be hand-cut to fit into non-standard spaces.
Blown-in insulation is usually installed by professionals and can be used in wall cavities, unfinished attic floors and around obstructions.
Caulking cracks and around windows is an easy and important way to winterize a home.
First, remove old caulking and clean the area. Then apply the new caulking in a steady stream, holding the caulk at a 45-degree angle.