What’s trending: eagle-riding crow, cliffhanging couple, shark surprise

Here’s what was trending on Thursday. 

1. Riding your rivals à la the Weasel Pecker is apparently the newest meme in the Animal Kingdom. Here’s a black crow hitching a ride on the back of a bald eagle.

You can see more photos here

2. They say love gives you wings…or at least Mel Gibson’ character does in 1997’s Conspiracy Theory.

The Brazilian couple gaining attention for the Instagram photos of them dangling off impossibly high cliffs together sure better hope he’s right. 

You can see more photos here.

3. It turns out that the sharks who show up for those shark diving gigs are, in fact, very real. And though they typically just swim around the cage, they do occasionally do shark things…like try to eat GoPro-wielding tourists inside the cage, to their complete and terrified surprise.