Shoney’s approved for business, alcohol licenses
FULTONDALE—The Fultondale City Council on Tuesday approved a business license and alcohol license for Shoney’s Restaurant, which will be located at 1234 Boots Blvd.
The restaurant is slated to open “soon” according to Mayor Jim Lowery. A final date for opening has not been announced, but the restaurant is currently under construction and hiring employees.
The restaurant is slated to be the first of the new concept Shoney’s Restaurants in the Birmingham area. The restaurant will reportedly feature the classic fare alongside a more updated look and menu, as well as a bar.
The business and alcohol licenses were applied for by Frank Wayne Hall and James Keith Hall.
In other business, the council also:
•approved a business license for an office for an internet radio station, La Chula, to be located at 1712 Decatur Highway, Suite 2 and 3. That business license was applied for by Maritza Urias. The station will be a Spanish-speaking station that will feature music but will also partner with the city and others to get announcements out to the Spanish-speaking community. The station will be broadcast over the internet only.
•approved a resolution to authorize Lowery to enter into a new inter-jurisdictional mutual and emergency medical services agreement with the City of Gardendale. This will replace any previous agreement between the two cities.
•read the entire presentation of the city’s stormwater management program plan related to how the city handles stormwater and drainage. This reading is required by law, the council explained.
•discussed the success of the city’s Memorial Day ceremony. Due to weather, the ceremony honoring fallen veterans had to be moved to the city hall building.