National Suicide number

By changing the national number to the simpler three-digit 988, health officials are hoping to create easier access to its local call centers for those experiencing a mental health crisis.

The need is apparent: In the 2022 Community Needs Assessment Report produced by Cullman Regional Medical Center, 74 percent of the key informants considered mental health to be a major problem with Cullman County residents. The remaining 26 percent listed it as a moderate problem. Many of the informants listed the lack of access to care as a contributing factor.

Since its inception in 2005, the national lifeline phone service has received more than 20 million calls — calls directed to one of its 180 local crisis centers located throughout the United States. These calls reached an all-time high in 2021, with more than 2.5 million phone calls. In Alabama, calls to its three crisis centers have also increased. Calls rose by 57 percent between 2016 and 2020.

Age adjusted mortality rates listed in the Cullman Regional needs assessment report show that suicide rates within Cullman County are significantly higher than state and national numbers. Based on populations per 100,000, Cullman experienced 21.5 deaths by suicide. Alabama had 16.2 and the US has 13.8.

In the U.S., the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline’s is now reachable by phone or text, as of July 16, by dialing 988.