Brodie signs to play two sports

By Charles Prince

The North Jefferson News

Mortimer Jordan grad Natalie Brodie signed not one, but two athletic scholarships with Judson College.

Brodie, who played both volleyball and softball for the Lady Blue Devils, signed to play both sports at the Marion-based school.

Which of the two sports is Brodie’s favorite? She just can’t say.

“I can’t really choose between the two, to be honest,” Brodie said. “I love playing both. Both sports gave me a chance to play.”

Brodie, who is coming off a state championship in softball with the Lady Blue Devils, tried out for the Judson softball team first and was offered a scholarship.

However, she soon began to realize how much she was beginning to miss playing volleyball, so she went back to the school and tried out on the court. Soon, she had secured scholarship number two.

Brodie, who carried a 4.07 GPA while at Jordan, finishing 13th in her senior class, visited both Judson College and Auburn University.

She said Judson felt right for her at this time, however, her future plans include Auburn.

Brodie hopes to transfer to the plains, after getting her degree at Judson.

Her long-range plan includes pursuing a degree at Auburn in animal sciences, which will allow her to become a veterinarian when she graduates.

Brodie’s desire to become a vet, stems from her early childhood, when she first began to notice her love for animals.

“After rescuing so many animals as a kid I began thinking maybe I could do this as a living. I’ve had so many dogs, turtles, hamsters, and pets that I’ve never really wondered about what I was going to be because I already knew I wanted to be a vet,” she said.

Judson softball coach Jones has told Brodie he plans to use her in left field. On the volleyball court, Brodie will work from the setter’s position.

Brodie, who’s father Tom passed away before he could see his daughter make her college dream come true, said she would miss Mortimer Jordan assistant coach Mike Phillips and his wife Stacy, due in large part, because of the comfort they provided her when her father died.

“I guess the thing, I’ll miss the most about my playing days at Mortimer Jordan will be being around my teammates and being coached by Mike and Stacy Phillips,” Brodie said. “After my father passed away I was having a difficult time adjusting and they helped me through it with their support and friendship. They’re like a family to me and I will definitely miss them. I will never forget them.”

Brodie said the coaches haven’t promised her playing time, but she’s determined to give it her best and work her hardest in both sports.