Nominations for sports board needed

Gardendale and Mt. Olive News by Danielle Pelkey

The North Jefferson News

The Gardendale girls and boys youth association is now taking nominees for the baseball and softball boards. The nomination box will be available in the concession stand every evening Monday through Friday for the next two weeks.

• Auditions for “The Sound of Music” will be held May 9, at 6 p.m. at the Gardendale Civic Center. The Gardendale Arts Council will be presenting “The Sound of Music” on the nights of July 24, 25 and 26. The cast will require three male and four female leads as well as numerous supporting roles of all ages. The show will be directed by Mr. Darrell Revel, former drama teacher at Mortimer Jordan High School as well as other locations. They will also need volunteer staff for staging, costumes and other production jobs.

• Happy birthday on April 28 to Donna Dodd. She is the wife of Larry Dodd, pastors of The Church Revived. I hope that you have a wonderful birthday and an even better year.

• Happy anniversary to my grandparents, C.J. and Betty Shaver on May 5. They have been married for 51 years and are still going strong.

• Don’t forget that next Sunday is Mother’s Day. Make it a point to go out and do something special for your mom this year.

• Gardendale Jewelers recently celebrated two birthdays. April 29 was Chris Boffa’s 29th birthday. Hey, give a holler, it’s the birthday of Shirley Dollar on April 30. Bob says Shirley is ageless.

• The Gardendale Arts council is sponsoring a gospel singing, tonight at 6:30 p.m. at Gardendale Civic Center in the exhibition hall with Steel City. For more information call 631-4883. This is a free event.

Danielle Pelkey is The North Jefferson News correspondent for the Gardendale and Mt. Olive communities. She can be reached at 631-8716 or