Harold Freeman’s love of music provides great gift to seniors at center

Gardendale Seniors By Mack McConnell

The North Jefferson News

If you missed the “Low Vision” meeting the other day, let me encourage you to contact Jane Bush at 631-290-4449. This is a free service that is offered, and they will come to your home if needed.

A well deserved individual was chosen “Member of the Month” for October. William “Bud” Burgess has not only served as the outstanding chef for our candlelight dinners, but he also helps out in many areas around the center. We appreciate all of your time and effort, Bud.

Don’t forget to be here early on Wednesday if you want to catch the bus which leaves at 8 a.m. sharp to go to the fairgrounds for the Mardi Gras in October festival.

Be getting your costumes ready as we will have both morning and evening hoedowns on Oct. 30. I’ll give more details next week.

Featured senior

Our featured senior this week is our good friend, Harold Dean Freeman. Some have given him the moniker of “Deanny,” but we just call him Harold.

He was born in Millport and grew up in the community of Thomas.

Harold married his childhood sweetheart, Betty Sue Wolfe, in 1957. She passed away in 1999 after 43 years of marriage. They were blessed with three sons: Rodney Dean, Jeff and Phillip. Harold later married his current wife, Dieig “Dicie” Jones.

The love of music was in Harold’s genes. At a young age he followed in the footsteps of his father who was a champion fiddle player.

He feels the Lord has blessed his life, beginning with his salvation which happened in 1948 in the Thomas Baptist Church where he was a member for 50 years. It was only natural that he should direct the music and sing in the choirs. For 15 years he sang in the Southland Quartet.

Harold and Dicie have traveled to a number of places, many of the trips church related. They especially recall those to Jamaica and Mexico.

As all regular readers know, Harold heads up the Brookridge Drifters Band that plays at the center every third Tuesday of the month. He says that he loves to play for our group as they are such nice people to provide entertainment for.

We love you, Harold, for what you do and what you are as an individual and know that the Good Lord will continue to bless you in all of your endeavors.

Would you like to go on a trip to San Francisco and Lake Tahoe in May? Call Peggy at 631-7240 for more details.

Until next week, God bless.