Fultondale invests in paving, public safety

FULTONDALE—The Fultondale City Council on Monday agreed to a line of credit from Regions Bank, not to exceed $2 million, that will be devoted to repair and repaving projects and investments in public safety equipment for the police and fire departments.

The line of credit will be paid with the city’s annual allotment from the state for paving, the new “gas tax” money, the taxes already in place on hotels for public safety and other monies designated for those uses.

The city also got an update on the large paving project that has been ongoing in the city for a number of months. There is approximately one more month worth of work repairing and repaving roads that needed repair in this phase. This phase dealt with approximately 20 roads in the area and cost approximately $480,000. The roads to complete the project include Donafred, Frankfurt, Leora, Walker Street and Brisco. The next phase has not yet been announced.

The council also heard from Council Member Josh Bryant about the fire department’s recent inspection by the Alabama Department of Public Health, Office of EMS. The inspection dealt with the department’s three Advanced Life Support units and found no deficiencies in the equipment, earning the department a mark of excellence.

The council also approved a loan from BB&T for the purchase of a new pumper truck for the fire department, which will enable the firefighters to serve the community more efficiently, according to Bryant.

In other business, the council also:

•approved a business license for Mundo Latino Tax, to be located at 904 Decatur Highway , Suite A, as applied for by Mayra Pribyl.

•approved a business license for a new business, called International Market AL, LLC, to be located at 904 Decatur Highway, Suite B, as applied for by Loan Ngo.

•approved a resolution to set the final public hearing for a condemned house at 1812 Heaton Street for Monday, November 25 at 11:30 a.m.

•approved resolutions to appoint Johnny Blackwell and Darian Howell to the Fuiltondale Commercial Development Authority. The terms will expire on the first Monday of October in 2023.

Upcoming events for the City of Fultondale include:

•Dogs on the Patio, this Friday, September 27, at Wintzell’s Oyster House, starting at 6 p.m. This is the official kickoff for the Barking at the Moon Festival and benefits the Fultondale Bark Park.

•Barking at the Moon Festival, October 27, from 1-6 p.m. at the Bark Park located at 2398 Stouts Road in Fultondale.

•Ribbon cutting on October 17 at 10 a.m. for Daisy Dogs and Burgers in the former home of Faye’s Hot Dogs at 1214 Decatur Highway.

•Ribbon cutting on October 17 at noon for Home2Suites at 3289 Lowery Parkway.