Still plenty more parties to go before break
Gardendale Seniors By Mack McConnell
The North Jefferson News
When you hear about great entertainment for seniors, you may well be assured that the Gardendale folks have had their share.
The two part hoedown yesterday may have topped them all for the year. If you were not there, you missed seeing our members and guests in some of the most unusual outfits ever.
The morning session featured the very entertaining Jodi Newman on her keyboard. We thank her for helping to make this a success.
There were also games, prizes and good food at both the morning and evening hoedowns. At the latter, Four Picks and a Bow provided the “hillbilly” music to the appreciation of the crowd.
I’ll give you a list of some of the many winners of prizes next week.
The program on reverse mortgages and the “Banjo Man” were both changed from last Wednesday to today.
In the less than two months before our Christmas-New Year hiatus, there will be lots more parties and programs.
Coming up on Nov. 7 at 10:30a.m., the Seasoned Performers will present a one-act comedy, especially aimed at those of us who are, shall we say, a little behind the times. You definitely won’t want to miss this funny presentation which will be at the Civic Center Exhibition Hall and is free to the public.
Next week, I’ll talk about some of the other upcoming events, including our annual Turkey Trot.
We are thankful for the new members that have been showing up and we invite any of the others of you to come on in and join us. This is a perfect time to join as we are coming into a time of year when good fellowship with others is so important. If you have talent in any area that will bring joy to peoples’ hearts, let us know about it. We appreciate hearing what God has given you to share with others.
We only like to hear positive things at the center. Our seniors are a forgiving group of people when wrong things happen. When you forgive a wrong, you’ll surely confuse the person who did it. As you grow older and wiser, you learn to talk less and say more. If you work hard at keeping wrinkles out of your face, work harder at keeping sunshine in your hearts.
Featured senior
Our featured senior this week is Mildred Marie Walt. Many of her friends lovingly call her “Mil.”
Mildred was born in Natchitchoes, a small Louisiana town whose name is often mispronounced and that is well-known for its extravagant Christmas decorations and for being the setting a few years ago for a popular movie and play.
Mildred lived in Wisconsin for 40 years before returning to her native state of Louisiana. She has been in the Gardendale area since the 1980s.
Most of her education was in Louisiana and included a nursing school in Alexandra, La., and the Baptist Nursing School. She served in her profession for 30 years in the St. Agnes Hospital in Wisconsin. She has now retired from the nursing profession, but it is my understanding that once a nurse, always a nurse.
She fell in love and married Leo A. Walt, who has been deceased for 11 years now. They had one daughter who lives in Hayden and who has given her one grandson. She and Leo traveled throughout the U..S. and other areas as well.
One of her favorite hobbies is playing Bridge. She also enjoys teaching others this challenging game. Organizing and playing Bridge is her favorite activity at the center. She says she enjoys coming for the activities and the fellowship.
Low vision problems came upon Mildred. She has used this an opportunity to help others who have this same problem by setting up group meetings and arranging for help so that others with low vision may enjoy a fulfilling life.
We thank you, Mil, for being a part of us here at the center and know that the good Lord is blessing you for being so considerate in helping others with their problems.
You only live once, but if you work it right, once is enough.
We have not forgotten you good folks out there who are home sick, in rehabs or the hospital. We want you to always know we care about you and miss your being here at the center with us. Our prayers are with you.
The days that make us happy make us wise. If we learn how to give of ourselves, to forgive others and to live with thanksgiving, we need not seek happiness — it will seek us.
Until next week, God bless