Warrior police receive new body cameras, training

WARRIOR — The Warrior City Council heard an update on the recent police purchase and training of body cameras. A new policy related to the required wear of the cameras is being developed now for implementation.

“There should not and will not be a police officer on the street without a camera on,” council member and police committee head Chuck Mosley said.

In other business, the council:

•approved a request from Fred Berry of Fireworks Unlimited to keep his fireworks trailer on site for the year, as long as the property is maintained.

•approved a request for Police Chief Ray Horn to attend the annual winter police chiefs conference in Montgomery.

•heard from resident Mike Stover, who said he felt led to come to the council meeting and pray from the city and city leaders.

•rescheduled the January council meetings because of the New Year’s and Martin Luther King holidays.

The council will meet Tuesday, Jan. 3 at 5:30 and Thursday, Jan. 19 at 5:30.