(Column) Be prepared to vote May 24
Voting is a sacred freedom, and one we should all hold dear. Election Day is the one day you get to freely state your opinion, and no one gets to deny it. With the simple stroke of a pen, you can have your say without anyone questioning it.
Many men and women have died for our right to vote and the freedoms that we take for granted at the polling place. Many people in other countries are not allowed the same freedoms we are afforded on Election Day. So please remember to go vote on Tuesday, May 24.
Democracy is a gift, but remember it isn’t free. Someone, somewhere had to pay for it, many with their own lives. So, take it seriously.
Research the candidates. It’s easy to get confused. If you watch television long enough, all the candidates believe the same things: they all love God, believe in lower taxes, and Lord knows they all shoot guns on a regular basis– at least long enough to shoot a commercial at election time anyway.
Please be prepared to vote in the Primary Election on Tuesday, May 24 from 7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. at your local polling place. If you need to know where your local polling place is, visit www.alabamavotes.gov. Click on the “voters” section. Then go to “check your registration status . . .” Type in your name, date of birth, and you will be provided with your polling place information.
This year you will be able to vote on Governor, Attorney General, U.S. Senate, two members of the Supreme Court, two members of the Public Service Commission, your state senator a member of the House of Representatives and others.
There will be local races as well, but they will vary from county to county.
There will be one statewide amendment on the ballot pertaining to the funding of state parks.
I encourage you to go to the candidates’ websites, research their backgrounds, see what their issues are, and ask others you know in the political arena their thoughts of them.
You may be tired of all the commercials and all the flowers of democracy (roadside political signs) everywhere including being nailed up on trees but remember it’s a part of a bigger picture – the democratic process.
So do your homework and prepare to do your civic, patriotic duty – remember to go vote on Tuesday, May 24.