Gardendale / Mt. Olive News: Celebrate Easter this weekend
By Danielle Pelkey
The North Jefferson News
Remember that Easter is tomorrow. Please make plans on attending the church of your choice to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.
• Happy belated birthday to Jonathan Fox on Good Friday. Jonathan is the youth pastor at The Church Revived and does an excellent job out there. Happy birthday, Jonathan!
• A belated happy birthday to Tiffany Hollis who turned 13 on April 1. Her mother, Brenda Hollis, celebrated her BIG 40 birthday on April 8. Tiffany is the daughter of and Brenda is the wife of Keith Hollis of Gardendale.
• Good Shepherd Lutheran Church will hold an Easter egg hunt today at 4 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend this event.
• April is Alcohol Awareness Month. Teenage binge drinking is on the rise at colleges. Learn the signs. Call Narconon at 877-413-3073.
• Mt. Olive First Baptist will hold an Easter egg hunt and photos with the Easter bunny today from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lunch will be served. For more information call 631-4401.
• Please come out and support the Gardendale High School Rockets Baseball team today. This will be the last regular season home game on the current high school field. There will be three games with the JV starting at 11 a.m. and the varsity playing the last game at 4:30 p.m.
• Please continue to pray for Kevin and Amy Averheart. Kevin has some health issues that need the Lord’s healing touch.
Danielle Pelkey is The North Jefferson News correspondent for the Gardendale and Mt. Olive communities. She can be reached at 631-8716 or