In the bag: 10,000 pounds of homegrown sweet potatoes going to needy families

Many forces are combining this Saturday, Jan. 14, to feed the hungry! The Society of St. Andrew (SOSA), The North Alabama Agriplex, Trigreen and the Cullman First United Methodist Youth Group will sort and bag 10,000 pounds of sweet potatoes from a local farmer to redistribute to hungry families from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the North Alabama Agriplex in Cullman.

The First UMC Youth Group, headed by Lora Parker, will be holding it’s annual Discovery Retreat where the high schoolers conduct a spiritual retreat for the junior highs. permanent part of this retreat has been a service component. Parker wanted her youth to help local people and make a real difference.

Parker asked the North Alabama Agriplex about service opportunities, and the gears started turning. The North Alabama Agriplex partners with the Society of St. Andrew, a national association that gleans local produce and donates to the needy. SOSA contacted local sweet potato farmer, one of many farmers here in Cullman County, who annually donate thousands of sweet potatoes to the needy around the state. And thus a potato drop is born! Just a few details, such as hauling 10,000 pounds of potatoes from the farm to the Agriplex.

SOSA coordinates places for all of this produce, donating to local agencies such as Cullman Caring For Kids, Victims Services, First UMC Knapsacks and Hispanic ministry, the Caring Center, the Crossing, and many more. These agencies gladly distribute fresh produce to their clients.