Chewbacca lookalike takes title at National Dog Show

(RNN) – The National Dog Show champion won on his cuteness and form, but Newton is gaining internet fame for his resemblance to a certain cranky wookie.

The 3-year-old Brussels Griffon beat out six other challengers for Best in Show: an American Staffordshire terrier, a French bulldog, an Old English sheepdog, an English springer spaniel, a whippet and a Portuguese water dog, which placed second.

Newton’s status as a lookalike for Star Wars’ Chewbacca has people still talking about him on social media.

Host John O’Hurley, best known as “Seinfeld’s” J. Peterman, hosted the event and posted a photo of “the little Monkey Face” winner on Twitter.

The event was hosted over the weekend at the Kennel Club of Philadelphia and televised Thursday after the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

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