Geese formation inspiring
By Cathy Doyle
The North Jefferson News
Happy birthday to Lonnie Dultz on Feb. 19.
• A few weeks ago I heard a loud noise and then I saw the “V” fly over. It was awesome to watch the flock of geese fly over. When geese fly in formation they travel 70 percent faster than when they fly alone. Geese share leadership. When the position becomes too tiring, the leader rotates back into the “V” and another flies forward to become the leader. Geese keep company with the fallen. When a sick or weak member drops out of flight formation, another member of the flock joins the missing member to help and protect. So, when you see a formation of geese in flight, remember what they teach us. It is a reward, a challenge and a privilege to lead the team, to share the storms, to support one another, and to make the journey.
• Have a great week and if you have any news please let me know.
Cathy Doyle is The North Jefferson News correspondent for the Trafford community. She can be reached at 647–1828.