Organizations offer Halloween alternatives

By Ashley McCleery

The North Jefferson News

If All Hallow’s Eve is more of a trick than a treat, and you’re booing the holiday, check out these Halloween alternatives right here in the north Jefferson area.

In order to capture and enjoy the essence of the fall season, several churches are hosting fall festivals this weekend. The Gardendale Church of Nazarene’s fall festival will be from 4-7 p.m. on Sunday and will include inflatable activities, games, a rodeo, food, face painting, a maze, pony rides and a petting zoo.

“It’s something the kids can do other than trick or treating, and it’s an opportunity to invite people to our church,” Donna Medders, the secretary of the Gardendale Church of Nazarene, said.

Graves Gap Baptist Church is also hosting a carnival today, which will focus on fall activities such as carving pumpkins and old fashion hayrides.

If you like dressing up in costumes, but don’t like the potential danger of trick or treating, you can venture to World Outreach Center’s costume party on Sunday from 4-6 p.m.

Also, today at 5 p.m., Friendship United Methodist Church is holding a youth fun night with hayrides and trick or treating in the church parking lot for children.

“Halloween festivals originated from pagan festivals thousands of years ago, but kids love dressing up,” George Hollis, pastor of Friendship United Methodist Church, said. “So, this let’s kids dress-up like someone who’s done good in the world or funny like Donald Duck.”

Several churches are also hosting events on Halloween night including sweets and treats at Central Baptist Church from 6-8 p.m., trunk or treats at Morris United Methodist Church from 5:30-9 p.m. and a fall carnival at the Church Revived from 6- 8:30 p.m.

However, First Baptist Church of Mt. Olive is offering a much different alternative. Today and Sunday, the church is performing Judgment House, an eight-scene walk through drama that follows several characters through their life and death.

“Mainly, we do the Judgment House during this time because it’s the time that people are going to haunted houses,” First Baptist Church of Mt. Olive pastor Brian Burdette said.

Although it isn’t supposed to be a haunted house, the hour-long drama presents the scary truth about what happens to those who don’t know the Lord as their personal Savior. But, it also displays the glories of heaven that is waiting for those that do know Christ.

In the eight years the church has performed the Judgment House, director Norma Huguley said she’s been excited to hear of the people who become Christians after the performance.

“For months and months and months afterward, we hear about people who come to know the Lord, but they just don’t do it at our church that very night,” Huguley said.

Whether fall festivals, costume parties or the Judgment House, Hollis said these Halloween alternatives are a way to celebrate fall and Christ with children. “We do this because we love God and want to follow the work of Jesus Christ. And we love our children.”