Principal, horse raise funds for kids
Fultondale Elementary principal Cynde Cornelius’s horse is named Cash, which is appropriate considering what he’ll be doing on Oct. 17.
Cornelius has started the Cash for a Cure program at Fultondale Elementary to raise money for the fifth annual Saddle Up Trail Ride to benefit St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. Students, parents and anyone else interested in helping can sponsor Cornelius and Cash by making donations to St. Jude’s.
“It’s just a relaxing way to raise money for cancer research,” said Cornelius.
This is the second year she and Cash are participating in the ride, and she hopes to continue doing it in the future. Each year, Cornelius writes a letter from Cash (with plenty of horse puns) to her students asking for donations.
“I’ve been a horse-riding wannabe for a while. I got Cash about five years ago. I felt like this was a good way to raise some money so that St. Jude’s could do some research,” she said.
Cornelius said the cause was important to her because there are two students at Fultondale Elementary School that have cancer. One of them, Chaney Hicks, is currently in remission.
“I can’t imagine having to go through that as a child,” said Cornelius.
The Saddle Up Trail Ride will be on the 300-acre Evergreen Farm in Thorsby. Cornelius raised about $400 last year, and is hoping for at least $500 this year. Anyone wishing to make a donation can bring cash by the school on U.S. Hwy. 31 or write a check to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. All donations are tax deductible. The deadline to donate is Oct. 15.