121017 SUN 91 Homemakers Club
The 91 Homemakers Club met Nov. 9, at the home of Juanita Latta, hostess. The president called the meeting to order and Faith Hammock led the pledge to the flag. Juanita gave the devotion from the book of Matthew.
Marilyn Cruce handed out information sheets from the County Extension Office on learning healthy eating habits.
Members also enjoyed a purse exchange.
The president announced the Christmas party to be held Dec. 9, at the home of Mary Bernard. Members will also bring gifts for games.
Besides all mentioned, a meal of soup and cornbread was served to Ellie Brasfield, Janice McNeal, Wanda Mahaffey, Dot Mays, Lennie McCain, Edna King, Wanda Sanders and Casey Thomas. Visitor was Bridgett Atchley.