Outcry continues over Michigan mayor’s inflammatory Facebook posts
KALKASKA, Mich. — Sentiment to remove the embattled president of a small village in northern Michigan over inflammatory posts he made on his Facebook page is growing following a contentious meeting last week at which he remained unapologetic.
Jeff Sieting, president of the village of Kalkaska, a community of about 2,000 people located near Grand Traverse Bay, first published the posts — perceived by many to advocate violence against Muslims — in the course of defending his decision to display a sign supporting then-presidential candidate Donald Trump on his family-owned hotel in downtown Kalkaska.
The posts caught the eye of Cindy Anderson several weeks ago. Anderson, a real estate broker who owns land near the village and grew up in the area, and others fruitlessly sought an apology from Sieting apology at a village meeting on June 26. She returned for a village council meeting on Monday and asked Sieting if he thought he should apologize for the posts. He displayed no remorse.
“I owe nobody an apology for exercising my First Amendment rights,” he said.
Anderson told the Traverse City, Michigan Record-Eagle some village residents have started a Facebook group, “Kalkaska Residents for Peace,” and are planning a meeting to discuss options moving forward, including a potential recall and finding someone to oppose Sieting in the 2018 election.
Anderson questioned how Sieting can continue to lead the village after discovering the posts she said “support racism and bigotry.”
“You ran for office to represent all the people of this community, not just the white, non-Muslim ones,” she said. “You were supposed to represent all of your constituents.”
Sieting defended his Facebook posts, including the post he apparently copied that calls for the killing of “every last Muslim.”
Sieting argued America has been fighting Islam for hundreds of years and contends all Muslims are evil, either by their actions or their lack of action to prevent violence by Islamic extremists.
“I don’t expect everyone to see things the way I do,” Sieting said.
Joyce Golden, a county resident, supported Sieting and defended his right to post whatever he pleases to his personal Facebook page.
“If you don’t want to read it, get off of (his Facebook page),” she said, supporting Sieting though she acknowledged she does not know him. “From what I do know, you are a very honest, faithful, hardworking man and I thank you for that. I hope you continue and stand your ground for your beliefs. I don’t believe he has to represent everybody.”
Sieting’s role mandates he represent the entire community, regardless of religion or skin color, Anderson said. As village president, his freedom to speak on social media also has restrictions, she argued.
“You don’t have that kind of benefit to speak your mind on your social media page when you’re an elected official,” she said. “You don’t see the mayor of Traverse City doing it. You don’t see the governor doing it.”
Details for this story were provided by the Traverse City, Michigan Record-Eagle.