Spring forward Saturday night

Trafford News by Cathy Doyle

The North Jefferson News

Remember to spring forward tonight before you go to bed.

• Happy birthday to: Gail Pate, Gertrude Thomas and Ashley Richard-son on March 8; Jonathon Cham-blee on March 9; Sherry Thomas on March 10; Cindy Odgers on March 11; and my good friend Joyce Gardner on March 12. Also happy birthday to Kayla Heatherington and Robert Richardson on March 13 and Helen Wash on March 14.

• Happy anniversary to Jeff and Meshelle Arledge on March 13. They celebrate 10 years. Kenneth and Faye Burns celebrated on March 14.

• Have a terrific week and if you have any news please let me know.

Cathy Doyle is The North Jefferson News correspondent for the Trafford community. She can be reached at 647–1828.