CCBOE approves change orders for facility upgrades

The Cullman County Board of Education squared away the final payments on two of the district’s facility upgrades during a brief specially called meeting Monday, April 1.

The board approved a $224,112.90 increase to the cost of constructing the new Cold Springs High School gymnasium. Superintendent Shane Barnette said the price was agreed upon after negotiations between the board and the project’s contractors.

Catching up with The Times on Wednesday, Barnette said the increase came as a result of several change orders previously approved by the board. The most notable, he said, was a decision to have portions of the gym’s exterior be changed from metal to a brick facade.

A portion of the increased cost at Cold Springs was made up by what Barnette described as a “favorable change order.” He said the final cost for the electrical installation at the new Holly Pond High School welding facility came in $4,894 less than the projected budgeted amount, reducing the project’s final payment.

Making the most of its meeting, the board approved a pair of roofing projects. One will replace the roof of one of the main buildings at Hanceville Elementary School. The other will replace the roof of Fairview Middle School Gym and a building at Fairview Elementary.

The bid for both projects was awarded to Excel General Contracting for a combined total of $496,000.

The board will meet again next Thursday, April 11 at 3:30 p.m.