CCBOE hears update on future projects

During their first meeting of the 2022-2023 school year, the Cullman County Board of Education were given their first presentation of the upcoming years budget before its approval next month.

Chief Financial Officer Ed Roberson shared several capital improvement highlights of the coming year’s budget. These include a new lunchroom and classroom additions at Hanceville Elementary, new home economics and agriculture buildings at Fairview High School, a lunch room expansion at West Point, a new media center, offices and gymnasium at Good Hope Middle School, a new gymnasium at Cold Springs High School, and a new science lab at Vinemont High School.

“We’ve got almost $24 million budgeted next year for all these capital improvements and it’s really making a difference in our facilities,” Roberson said.

However, as the number two employer in Cullman County, the bulk of the budget will be devoted to CCBOE employee’s salaries and benefits for a combined total of just over $77 million.