Texas school district approves arming teachers

Keller school trustees approved a policy Monday night that could allow teachers and other campus staff to carry guns.

On a 4-3 vote, the board updated emergency plans to authorize certain employees to bring firearms onto district property, should they clear certain guardrails.

Their decision renews debate over arming school staff members, which more Texas officials have urged in the months after 19 students and two teachers were killed during a shooting at Robb Elementary in Uvalde.

Trustee President Charles Randklev said the district would only tap qualified people who must undergo training and evaluation before being allowed to carry on campus. The goal, he said, is to protect students immediately if an attack occurs at school.

“How many minutes are we willing to wait?” he said, drilling down on the lag that can come between when shots are fired on campus and when police are able to arrive.

Choosing to carry a gun would be voluntary. District leaders would have the ability to remove an employee’s authorization to carry at any time.

The details and timeline for rolling out the plan — including who would be recruited for the program and how they would be trained — are not yet hammered out, Superintendent Rick Westfall said.

“We have a lot of ideas of what could happen if we’re given this task,” Westfall said.

That lack of specificity troubled trustee Beverly Dixon.

“I don’t like the fact that this is so vague,” she said.

Two sides

Keller’s new policy requires any armed employees to have training in crisis intervention, hostage situations and other related topics.

Those in favor of the plan emphasized that hundreds of other Texas districts have such a policy in place.

After the massacre at Robb Elementary — Texas’ deadliest school shooting — some Republican lawmakers pushed for more employees to carry guns in schools. Proponents of the idea often say their support is based on the belief that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

“My kids deserve to be protected,” said Bren Zillinger, the mother of two Keller elementary schoolers, noting that armed guards are used to protect government agencies. “Our children are the most valuable thing we have.”

But a person with a gun on campus is not guaranteed to make a difference during an active shooter situation.

During the 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Fla., an armed school resource officer never went inside the high school or engaged the gunman during the attack. Hundreds of armed officers responded to Robb Elementary, but they did not stop the shooter for more than an hour.

Opponents of arming teachers — including a group of high schoolers — questioned how students and teachers would be protected from an accidental discharge or mistaken shooting. They decried the idea of putting guns into classrooms and adding pressures to educators.

“An increase in guns only means an increase in the likelihood of incidents,” Keller parent Jillian Boggs said. “It’s not safe. It’s just not.”

Speakers in opposition to the plan questioned whether the board was listening to feedback. The district disseminated a survey to teachers and community members but did not publicly release the results. It drew more than 4,000 responses.

Randklev questioned the validity of the survey.

Guardian plans

Texas has two ways school employees can carry guns on campus.

Under the state’s “guardian” plan, local boards can authorize employees to carry guns on campus, with some guardrails. Texas also allows school districts, private schools and community colleges to appoint one or more “marshals” per campus. These marshals, who may be teachers or staff members, have access to a handgun at school.

Districts do not disclose who is armed.

The Texas School Safety Center’s last audit through 2020 found that 280 districts reported using the guardian program. Updated numbers will be available next year, director Kathy Martinez-Prather said.

Data collected by the Texas Association of School Boards, meanwhile, found roughly 400 districts had a guardian policy in place as of July 2021.

The strategy is commonly adopted by rural districts, Martinez-Prather said, but Texas saw an uptick in its use after the 2018 Sante Fe school shooting.

“We’ve also seen districts who also have their own ISD police department, as well as school marshals, incorporate that plan into their safety and security strategies,” she said.

Keller ISD employs 16 school resource officers who are stationed at secondary and intermediate schools. They are members of the Fort Worth and Keller police departments. The district may be expanding the number of officers.

Deterring threats

After the shooting in Sante Fe, Martinez-Prather said more districts began broadcasting to the public that staff members on campus may be armed.

“We have seen more districts be more forward-facing and open about that,” she said. “From the perspective of some districts, the mindset is, it’s a way of deterring potential threat actors.”

Should districts embrace the guardian plan, Martinez-Prather said community buy-in and sufficient training are essential.

“There’s a lot of responsibility that you take on when you go this route,” she said.

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