Two Gardendale High students removed from school after alleged gun threat

Parents received an automated call today from Gardendale High School regarding a possible threat that was dealt with this morning at the school.

Allegedly, two students were overheard yesterday threatening to bring a gun to school, and school administrators took action.

Jefferson County Sheriff’s deputies and Gardendale Police officers were at the school this morning to intercept the students before they entered the school. Both students are new to Gardendale High School after transferring from Birmingham City Schools, although they both live in the Gardendale city limits, according to the Jefferson County Board of Education.

No weapons or immediate threats to student safety were found on the students. But in accordance with school rules, they were removed from campus for the threats and will not be permitted to return until the situation has been resolved, if at all.

“I am proud of our principal and SROs for their quick action to ensure the safety of the students at Gardendale High School,” JefCoEd Board President Dean Taylor said Friday. “The safety of our students is always top priority.”

No charges have been filed as of yet, and the students’ identity was not released.

This is the second threat in as many weeks for Jefferson County Schools. A previous threat at Mortimer Jordan High School resulted in an arrest of the 18-year-old student.