Person You Should Know — Don Ault

Don Ault, 82, lives in Pinson and is known for his guitar skills.

• Where are you from?

I’m originally from Tennessee. I moved to Alabama in 1964 and have lived in several places around Birmingham.

• Do you still work or are you retired?

I’m a retired salesman. I sold brick and building materials with Birmingham Clay Products. It closed down in 1980.

• What do you do in your spare time?

I play bluegrass music on the guitar. And I like to travel. I’m going to the Caribbean next month on a cruise with my daughter. Her name is Vickie Jackson and she lives in Cullman.

• What other family do you have?

I have two daughters and two grandsons, in Cullman and Huntsville.

• Tell me more about your music.

This is the second time I’ve played music. Before that, I played guitar in Tennessee. I took a break in the middle because I had to work some. I also took a break because of the military.

• Tell me about your military service.

I was in the U.S. Army in World War II. I was in Germany, in Berlin most of the time. I was a cannoneer in the 3rd Infantry Regiment, the Old Guard. It’s the oldest infantry regiment in the U.S. Army.

• Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Just that I’m enjoying retirement.