Florida man throws firecracker at dog, blows off paw

(RNN) – A Florida man was arrested on a felony cruelty to animals charge after he threw an M80 firecracker at his neighbor’s dog, blowing off one of the hind paws.

Madison Carroll said that his neighbor’s two dogs came onto his porch where he and his niece were sitting on Tuesday afternoon, according to WFTV.

According to the police report, one of the dogs – a 13-pound dachshund – tried to bite his niece when she attempted to touch it, and she continued to attempt to touch the dog.

Carroll reportedly threw an ignited M80 firecracker at the dog, causing enough injury the dog’s back paw needed to be amputated.

The police report said Carroll allegedly laughed when he told a witness he was “getting rid of the damn dogs.”

Carroll told police his behavior was “excessive.”

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