County schools toughen up vaping policy

Cullman County Schools has a new tougher vaping policy to begin the 2021-2022 school year due to the increase in offenses across the district. 

A violation of the policy will result in 16 hours of community service for a first offense, plus fines, court costs, and even expulsion on the fourth offense. The court can also penalize parents if their student is caught vaping at school.

Cullman County Schools is working with the Cullman County Sheriff’s Office and District Court Judge Rusty Turner to enforce this new policy.

“We believe this new policy will make a difference,” said Dr. Shane Barnette, Cullman County School Superintendent. “Vaping is unhealthy, dangerous, and it has really become a big distraction in schools across our district.”

Vaping Offenses from the 2021-2022 Student Handbook:

First Offense


Possession – three days short-term alternative school

Distribution – minimum four weeks long-term alternative school


– 16 hours of community service at a non-profit organization, to be determined by the courts

– Student Juuling Awareness Online Course (six hours) plus cost of course which is approximately $37.95

– If the above is completed, the case is dismissed without court costs and the defendant is granted youthful offender status.

– If the above is not completed, the defendant is given a $50 fine, plus court costs of approximately $350 up to $500.

Second Offense


Possession – Five days short-term alternative school

Distribution – Nine weeks long-term alternative school


– 24 hours of community service at a non-profit organization, to be determined by the courts

– Student Juuling Awareness Online Course (six hours) plus cost of course which is approximately $37.95

– Parent(s)/guardian(s) Parenting Skills Class (eight hours) plus cost of course which is approximately $49.95

– If the above is completed, the case is dismissed with court costs.

– If the above is not completed, the defendant is given a $100 fine, plus court costs of approximately $350 up to $500.

Third Offense


Possession – 20 days long-term alternative school

Distribution – minimum one semester long-term alternative school


The courts will determine all sentencing, fines, and court costs.

Fourth Offense


Possession – minimum of nine weeks long-term alternative school

Distribution – student will withdraw and enroll in homeschool.


The courts will determine all sentencing, fines and court costs.

Note: Fines, Court Costs and Costs of Required Courses may increase throughout the year.