FHS to host ‘Fine Arts Night’ on May 14
Fultondale News By Sue McKay
The North Jefferson News
I would like to wish all the mothers and grandmother’s a Happy Mother’s Day this Sunday. Don’t forget your mom. You only have one mom for your whole life and we all know how short life is. Spend time with your special someone.
• Fultondale First Baptist Church is hosting a block party on May 16 from 4 to 7 p.m. in the old Winn Dixie parking lot. Everyone is invited for free food, fun, games and music.
• Fultondale High School’s Spring Fine Arts Night will be May 14 at 6:30 p.m. The senior high and junior high bands will play. The arts department will have work on display. If the weather is nice, it will be held outside on the front lawn, so bring your chairs and blankets. If it rains, it will be inside the front gym.
• As you know, school is almost over for this year and summer break is on its way. Make plans for your children early to have a safe and wonderful summer.
• The Fultondale City Council will meet Monday at 6 p.m.
• Please continue to remember the Durden and Hamrick families in your prayers.
• Our heartfelt sympathies go to the family of Larry Rhodes, dispatcher for the Fultondale Police Department, who passed away Monday. Larry was an asset to our department and a man of strong beliefs. Please remember his boys in your prayers.
Remember if you have news, anniversaries, birthdays or reunions, let me know.
Sue McKay is The North Jefferson News correspondent for Fultondale. She can be reached at 841-4481.