Find something to laugh about at senior center

Mt. Olive Seniors by Dixie Kuykendall

The North Jefferson News

Laughter, as said by many people, is the best medicine.

Being happy and joyful is a nice way to enjoy life to the fullest. When you laugh, you release all the tension, heartaches, emotional stress and sadness in your heart. It is actually a kind of therapy to stay healthy.

I am not saying that we just have to laugh at problems and not try to solve them. After all, getting a good laugh once in a while gives you an intense feeling of relief and it serves as a good therapy for emotional stress. Have someone to laugh with, crack a couple of jokes and discover the healing therapy of laughter.

That’s just another plus for being a member of a senior center — you always have someone to laugh with.

A special senior

Soft spoken, fun-loving Pernie Harden always has a smile and is usually ready to crack a joke or two.

She has been a regular at the Mt. Olive Senior Center for a few years and says that she enjoys most the friendships that have developed. At a very young 80 years old, Pernie simply enjoys life.

She meets friends at McDonalds most every morning for coffee then heads to the senior center to be part of that fellowship and, of course, lunch.

Do you remember the old game show, “What’s My Line?” She would have made a great contestant.

For 40 years, she was employed with Brown Services Mfg. Co., where she perfected the task of lining caskets.

Pernie was born and bred in Blount County, and was married for 18 years to the late Garner Harden of Mt. Olive. Garner worked many years for Republic Steel and was very active in the local Elks and the Masons and during that time, they enjoyed traveling.

Although she doesn’t travel much anymore, she enjoys living the life a well loved senior citizen — one that you really should meet at the Mt. Olive Senior Center!