Kimberly’s financial condition “starting to stabilize,” auditor says
For the first time in several years, the finances of the city of Kimberly are on a relatively even keel.
That word came from the city’s auditors, whose findings were announced to the Kimberly City Council in Monday night’s regular session.
“The auditors said that the finances are starting to stabilize,” Mayor Bob Ellerbrock said. “We’re on more solid ground than we have been in a while.”
Ellerbrock noted that city expenses were down more than $39,000 in the last fiscal year over the one before, and that the practice in the last few years of cutting city employees down to 32 hours a week had been held off longer than last year.
Councilwoman Donna Cude presented members with the city budget for the coming year, with Ellerbrock noting that action had to be taken by the first meeting in October.
Cude also reported that she had investigated getting a storm shelter installed for residents who need a secure place to ride out severe weather. Cude said that federal grants will pay for 75 percent of the cost, with the city expected to come up with the other 25 percent. Not all of that is required to be cash, though; in-kind contributions such as land for the shelter and certain types of labor can count against the city’s share.
Council members discussed possible sites for the shelter, such as near the
soccer field in Kimberly City Park, as well as whether the shelter could also serve a dual purpose as a community center.
In other business, the council:
• approved spending $500 — the amount of the deductible, with insurance covering any excess — to repair a police car that was in a minor crash Friday night
• tabled the annual renewal of a contract with RDS for tax revenue enhancement
• sold a surplus 2004 For Crown Victoria for $525 to Police Chief Bill Isbell, the only person to submit a sealed bid
• were presented an American flag that had flown over the U.S. Capitol by Teresa James, whose father had received it in honor of his service in the Vietnam War
• approved a request by Kimberly Church of God to hand out religious literature at the intersection of Stouts Road and Warrior Kimberly Road, on a Saturday to be determined
• voted to spend $684.32 to purchase promotional material for children for the Kimberly Fire and Rescue Service, to replace material damaged in the April tornado