Grow more, give more

Home gardeners can now use their passion for gardening to make a difference in their communities through the Alabama Cooperative Extension’s Grow More, Give More project. Cullman County is very blessed to have many organizations helping feed those in need in our community. In addition to staple foods a good diet needs fresh fruits and vegetables and we have the capacity to produce these healthy products much of the year. This project can help fill that need by getting any excess fresh food you produce to people in need.

This project is designed for both novice and experienced gardeners, because it provides the information required to have a successful vegetable garden. The project goes one step further by encouraging gardeners to use their garden bounty in ways to meet community needs.

“We are excited to launch this project that not only teaches people the ins and outs of gardening, but also helps provide much needed food assistance to communities across Alabama,” said Bethany O’Rear, an Alabama Extension home grounds regional agent.

Grow More

Grow More, Give More is a collaborative effort between Alabama Extension agents, the Alabama Master Gardener Extension volunteers and gardeners like you. The Grow More aspect of this project is now underway but it’s not too late to start a garden or plant a little extra.

Alabama Extension agents are distributing plans for growing vegetables at home. These plans cover some of the basic growing information related to commonly grown Alabama vegetables.

“These plans will have information specific to different garden types, such as how to grow tomatoes in a five-gallon bucket,” O’Rear said. “We will suggest supplies needed, where to place it, when to plant it and how to maintain it.”

Plans are for all types of gardens from container gardens, raised beds and in-ground traditional gardens.

Informational Resources

Worried about getting started? Don’t fret. Extension agents will help every step of the way by providing informational resources through a variety of platforms. Master Gardener Extension volunteers are also dedicating their time to support the project.

These resources are great tools that help guide home gardeners through the entire process. In addition to the publications and informational articles on the Extension website, the Grow More, Give More project will have brief on-line tutorials, social media posts and one-on-one assistance through the local County Extension office that can be reached by calling 256-737-9386.

Give More

According to O’Rear, the team is still finalizing plans for the Give More aspect of the project. However, the goal is that people use their extra produce to make a difference in their communities.

“People who grow more than they can use are encouraged to share with neighbors or donate it to local food assistance efforts,” O’Rear said. “As people learn to Grow More, we hope they will Give More too.” Locally we have a great resource to help get fresh produce distributed through the North Alabama Agriplex and the Society of St. Andrew’s gleaning efforts.

More Information

For more information on this project, and how to “Grow More” visit the Grow More, Give More page on the Alabama Extension website, Also, visit the North Alabama Agriplex at and the Society of St. Andrew at to learn how you can partner with them to “Give More.”