Group collecting cell phones for soldiers
By Melanie Patterson
The North Jefferson News
Some troops serving overseas will be receiving cell phones thanks to the kindness of strangers.
Sharon Parker of Stafford Hospitality is heading up a program in Fultondale where people can donate their unused cell phones.
The phones, which do not have to be in working order, will be reconditioned and shipped to men and women who are serving in the military overseas.
“They’re over there giving their lives for us,” said Parker. “This is the least that we can do.”
Stafford Hospitality represents three hotels in Fultondale – Holiday Inn Express, Comfort Suites and Hampton Inn.
The hotels have been collecting cell phones from employees and sending them to the corporate office in Tifton, Ga., to be refurbished.
Collection boxes are located at Holiday Inn Express, Comfort Suites and Hampton Inn, all in Fultondale.
To learn more, call 259-2160.