Pontiac Silverdome still standing after implosion attempt

PONTIAC, MI (RNN) – A scheduled implosion of the Pontiac Silverdome failed.

The controlled demolition was set for 8:30 a.m. Eastern on Sunday. The explosive charges went off all around the abandoned stadium, but the structure didn’t fall. The stadium’s roof had been removed prior to the scheduled implosion.

Within a couple of minutes of the explosions, a work crew could be seen entering the stadium to assess the problem.

Officials initally told WXYZ in Detroit that the explosive charges did their job and severed the steel support structure, but the stadium was “built a little too well.” They said the stadium would collapse as expected, but do not know when.

But about an hour after the implosion, they said the charges on the main support columns failed to detonate.

The Silverdome opened in 1975 and was the home stadium for the Detroit Lions and Detroit Pistons.

Several athletes and dignitaries were expected to be on-hand for the demolition.

Predictably, jokes surfaced on Twitter immediately.

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