Mt. Olive Fire Department welcomes Explorers
By Adam Smith
The North Jefferson News
The Mt. Olive Fire Department is opening its doors to future firefighters.
New fire chief Chip Cousins said the department is partnering with the Boy Scouts of America to offer firefighter training to Explorer scouts.
“They can do anything a firefighter can do except go into a burning building,” Cousins said.
He said the Explorers would receive instruction on fire department tools, hoses and using a breathing apparatus. The group will receiving training alongside the department’s volunteer staff.
“Everybody’s excited about it,” Cousins said. “It’s like giving back to the community.”
He said he had considered bringing the Explorers program to the fire station, but until being named chief in mid-April, he had no means to do so.
Cousins has volunteered with the station on and off since it was founded in 1981.
“It’s good to be steering the thing,” he said of his new role. “All these young guys have all the ideas. I just facilitate them.”
Right now, the fire station has 33 firefighters on its active role, seven of which are paid. Six of those firefighters are also licensed paramedics.
Cousins said he’s seen an interest in firefighting from kids in the community from visits to local schools and churches.
“When you talk to a firefighter, they knew by the age of 13 or 14 that they wanted to be a firefighter,” he said.
The program is open to any Boy Scout Explorers from the ages of 14-21. Cousins said the program may help guide new volunteers to the station. The starting age for a volunteer is 18.
He stressed that the program will not function as a “babysitting group” and will have strict hours. Those in the program will be expected to show up at the same time every morning as if they were reporting for a job. He said there would be consequences for those who show up late.
Cousins said the first phase of the Explorer program will concentrate heavily on safety in and outside of the fire station. He said it’s important for firefighters to know their role and perform it safely when the fire bell goes off.
Boy Scout Explorers who are interested in taking part in the Mt. Olive Fire Department’s program should call the station at 631-2051. An appointment will be set up and Explorers will be interviewed.
Cousins said he hoped to begin working with the Explorers by July 1.