Vinemont plans for budget cuts in 2025
VINEMONT — The town of South Vinemont planned for a much leaner year while discussing its upcoming annual budget Monday, Aug. 26.
During a budgetary work session Monday, the council reported a number of revenue shortfalls from its predicted yearly totals including county sales tax currently falling nearly $70,000 short of its budgeted amount.
The council planned for another lackluster financial year and budgeted for more than $50,000 less in revenue. It also plans to cut expenses by $117,000.
Mayor Radignal Dodson said the financial strains were not being shared by local businesses who, he said, had been experiencing noticeably lower volume over the last year.
“We’re not broke. We’re just not where we’d like to be,” Dodson said. “The bottom line is that we’re just going to have to tighten our belts and let the rough end drag.”
According to the draft budget proposal, the council plans to trim some excess expenditures from its community events, sports complex and parks and recreation budgets.
The town also discussed cutting its fuel costs by introducing a new policy which would allow the use of a fuel card to be used at local gas stations rather than having its fuel delivered. Town Clerk Kayecea Sasser said the current delivery fees equate to roughly $1 for every gallon of fuel the town orders.
Sasser said a WEX fleet card had come highly recommended due to the level of fraud protection and security implementations. WEX also offers automatic $.03 per gallon rebates and tax reductions which would eliminate some administrative responsibilities for the town.
The introduction of the fuel card would require the introduction of a new usage policy for full-time employees of the town which is planned to be presented during the next regularly scheduled meeting in September.