Freedom Rides Museum celebrates anniversary

The Freedom Rides Museum is celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Freedom Rides with the debut of a restored Greyhound bus of the vintage that would have been in service during the Freedom Rides.

The bus, which was in operation during the Freedom Rides, will become part of the museum’s permanent exhibit and a mobile extension of the museum’s exhibits, featuring a soundscape exhibit, interpretive banners and a vintage suitcase exhibit. The bus will be in Anniston on May 14 from 4-8:30 p.m. to commemorate the arrival of the buses on that date in 1961.

It’s debut kicks off a year-long yearlong commemoration of the Freedom Rides with the theme of “Retracing the Journey. Passing the Torch.”

The Freedom Rides Museum is housed in the historic Greyhound Bus Station where the Freedom Riders arrived on their journey for justice and features interactive exhibits for visitors. The “Share Your Story” video exhibit captures the thoughts and feelings of Freedom Riders who have visited the museum, allowing visitors to hear directly from Riders, witnesses, and supporters.

“The Freedom Rides Museum is an integral part of this important story,” said Lisa D. Jones, AHC Executive Director and State Historic Preservation Officer. “History happened here. Preserving this place helps bring to life a critical part of the civil rights story, and the role Montgomery and the state of Alabama played in it.”

The museum is located at 210 South Court Street, Montgomery, and is open from 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday-Friday and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday. For more information call 334-414-8647 or find it on Facebook at Freedom Rides Museum.