Earnhardt look-alike to appear for charity
By Charles Prince
The North Jefferson News
When he ran the tracks of NASCAR, Dale Earnhart earned the nickname, “The Intimidator.” A moniker bestowed on him for his hard-driving style that was hell-bent for victory.
Beginning July 15, an intimidator look-alike, Sonny Szanni, will be appearing in the North Jefferson area helping to promote the “Swinging for Katie’s Kids,” golf tournament to be held at the Castle Pines County Club on July 18.
Duran, the tournament founder, and Szanni, work for the same company, Full Throttle. Szanni, who has an uncanny likeness to the late Earnhart, has been used for promotions by Full Throttle for several years. Full Throttle purchased one of the five original black Chevrolet No. 3 cars made famous by Earnhart.
Szanni and the 3-car will appear first at the Texxaco Express Lube in Gardendale on July 15, from 1-4 p.m. Then on July 16, the duo will appear at Expert Tire in Gardendale from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and later in the day at Jim-N-Nicks Barbecue from 2-5 p.m.
On July 17, Szanni and the 3-car will be at Dewey Barber Chevrolet in Warrior from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. and then at the Homeland Sports Bar in Fultondale from 3-7 p.m.
“Sonny does a lot of work for our company and he’s a good friend of mine, so I asked him to help out promoting the golf tourney this year and he was happy to do it,” Duran said.
Szanni will be available for autographs and photos, which will be printed on the spot, during his promotional stops.
The tourney began with a letter in the spring of 2005. Tom Duran received a letter from Jeanne Von Hagel asking for a donation for a cystic fibrosis walk-a-thon. Duran was moved by what he read and wanted to do more. He soon had an idea for something greater than a donation, he had a plan for a charity golf tournament to help CF-related foundations.
In the summer of 2005, the idea became reality when the first charity tournament inspired by Von Hagel’s letter was held.
On July 18, the fourth annual, “Swinging for Katie’s Kids,” charity golf tournament to benefit cystic fibrous will be held at the Castle Pines County Club. The Katie in the tourney title is Jeanne’s daughter, who was diagnosed with CF in 2003. Duran decided to name the tourney in her honor after reading her mother’s letter.
This year’s tournament is actually two tournaments in one, a morning tournament beginning at 8 a.m. and an afternoon tourney beginning at 1:30 p.m.
According to Duran, 22 teams have entered as of Monday and organizers are expecting a total of somewhere between 30 and 36 teams to enter one of the two tournaments.
Individual holes can be sponsored by a business with an advertising sign on the hole.
Companies interested in sponsoring the remaining holes, should contact Tom Duran at 368-4653.
Teams wishing to play in the tourney, can enter for $300 per foursome, or $75 per person. Tee times are available for both the morning tourney and the afternoon tourney, however, Duran said teams need to enter early in order ensure tee times. Late entries can’t be promised
inclusion in the tourney of their choice, but will be added to the tournament with openings left, if any.
The cost includes cart fees and a catered lunch.
Proceeds from the event will benefit the Laps for Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.
The national foundation funds on-going research for a CF cure, while CF Hope for Alabama donates money to families of children with CF, who need help covering the cost of medial bills. Laps for CF donates money to the Children’s Hospital of Birmingham for use with CF patients.
In the first three years of the tournament, over $30,000 was raised, with $3,000 dollars raised in 2005, $5,000 in 2005 and $22,000 last year.
“Our goal for this year is $30,000,” Duran said.