Morris Olympian Roberts featured in McWane exhibit
By Lisa Barnwell
The North Jefferson News
During spring break, I spent a day with my son and his friend at The McWane Center. As we were looking around checking things out, we came upon an exhibit featuring the racing chair and pictures from our local Olympian, Josh Roberts. If you haven’t had chance to visit, you should plan to do so and check out our local celebrity.
• The Morris Youth Association will be having early bird registration for youth football from April 18 through May 20 with a $10 discount. The cost is $130 before May 29, and $140 after. Fee includes everything except cleats and practice jersey. They really need to increase their numbers this year, so come out and play some football. Practice will start in August. For more info, you can contact Scott at
• Today is the Morris Beautification Board’s open house at the Senior Citizens Center from 2 to 4 p.m., so stop by.
• If you have any news to share with us, just let me know. Have a great week and please continue to pray for the Roberts family (Jim).
Lisa Barnwell is The North Jefferson News correspondent for the Kimberly and Morris communities. She can be reached at 647-2912, 903-5602 or email