Special birthday wishes for friends and family
Gardendale and Mt. Olive News by Danielle Pelkey
The North Jefferson News
• Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful New Year’s celebration.
• Happy birthday to: Tonney Mann on Jan. 7 and Faith McCarty on Jan. 8. A special birthday to “Diddy” on Jan. 5 and to my Uncle Chuck on Jan 10. I hope you all have a wonderful year, filled with many blessings.
• On Dec. 28, Earl A. and Bula M. Garner celebrated 60 years of marriage. Congratulations to you both and here’s wishing you many more years together.
Danielle Pelkey is The North Jefferson News correspondent for the Gardendale and Mt. Olive communities. She can be reached at 631-8716 or daniellet@njeffersonnews.com.